Town Of Cazenovia
 Boards & Committees 

Town Board

Table Of Contents:

The Town Board is the executive head of the town and consists of the Town Supervisor and four Councilpersons.  Town government is run by the Town Board and is charged with the responsibility for making present day decisions including those involving the annual budget, zoning regulations and land use policy.  The Town Supervisor presides over town meetings and assumes the administrative and supervisory responsibilities of 'chief financial officer'.

The Town Board meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Gothic Cottage.


Each Town Councilor is responsible for acting as a liaison to the Town Board concerning specific areas of government/interest.  The liaison assignments are posted below.

Kyle Reger ()
Phone: (315) 414-8156
Term: 4 Years
Patrick Race ()
Councilor & Deputy Town Supervisor - Highway Department, South Cemetery, Water Pollution Control Facility & Water Districts
Phone: 315-655-4907
Term: 4 years
Jimmy Golub ()
Councilor - Cazenovia Lake Association, Cazenovia Lake Watershed Council, Renewable Energy, United Climate Action Network (UCAN), Future of the Town Office, Anti-racism Coalition
Phone: 315-952-7677
Term: 4 years
Kelli M Johnson ()
Councilor - CACDA, Senior Recreation & Joint Youth Recreation, Parks, New Woodstock Fire Department, Renewable Energy & Future of the Town Office
Phone: (315) 655-4468
Term: 4 years
Sheila Fallon ()
Councilor - Planning & Zoning, CACC, Shared Services & New York State Police
Phone: (315) 727-6362
Term: 4 Years
Town Clerk/Tax Collector and Registrar of Vital Statistics
Connie Sunderman
7 Albany Street
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-9213 Opt. 6
Fax: 315-655-2556
Deputy Town Clerk
Susan Wightman
7 Albany Street
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-9213 Opt. 6
Fax: 315-655-2556
Administrative Assistant
Erin King
7 Albany Street
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-9213, opt. 5
Fax: 315-655-2556

Water Districts Fees Collector