Town Of Cazenovia
 Boards & Committees 

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)


The Zoning Board of Appeals is directly given appellate jursidiction by state law.  Appellate jursidiction is the power to hear and decide appeals from decisions of the enforcement officer charged with the administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance or local law. This is the primary function and purpose of a Zoning Board of Appeals in zoning administration and encompasses the power (if an appeal is properly taken to the board) to interpet the zoning ordinance of local law and to grant variances.  


When there are no vacancies, the Zoning Board of Appeals is made up of 5 Board Members and 2 Alternate Board Members. 

The ZBA meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Gothic Cottage. 


Click here to review ZBA minutes.

Tom Pratt ()
Lucas Gianforte
Board Member
Gary Mason
Board Member
David Silverman
Board Member
David Vredenburgh
Board Member
Mike Palmer
Board Member - Alternate
Joseph Juskiewicz
Board Member - Alternate
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chair
Tom Pratt
7 Albany Street
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officer
Chuck Ladd
Phone: 315-655-9213 opt. 3
Deputy Town Clerk
Sue Wightman
7 Albany Street
Cazenovia, NY 13035
Phone: 315-655-9213, option 6