Important Dates:
March 1st - Taxable Status Due
March 1st - Exemption Application Deadline
May - Grievance Day - The 1st Thursday following the 4th Tuesday of May each year.
May 1st - Tentative Assessment Roll Filing
July 1st - Final Assessment Roll Filing
All tax exemption forms must be filed with the Assessor by March 1st each year. Some common exemption forms and instructions are available below.
Click here to search Madison County property tax look-up (Note, public information contained herein is furnished as a service by Madison County Real Property Tax Services. Property and tax information is available for the towns/city in Madison County. The property information is the most current information as provided by the Town/City Assessors. Property assessment information may change during the year but does not become final for taxing until the official filing of the town Final Assessment Roll on or about July 1. The amount of any town and county tax may include unpaid school/village taxes from a prior year.)