Town Of Cazenovia

Connie Sunderman, Town Clerk and Tax Collector / Registrar of Vital Statistics

Town Clerk (Tax Collector) & Registrar of Vital Statistics

Connie Sunderman

7 Albany Street, Gothic Cottage
Cazenovia, NY 13035
315-655-9213 opt. 6
In the Town of Cazenovia, the Town Clerk wears many hats and is charged with tasks ranging from Registrar of Vital Statistics to Recording Secretary and Records Manager.

The Town Clerk issues birth and death certificates, birth and death transcripts and burial transit permits and is responsible for keeping a permanent record of all births, deaths and marriages that occur within the town since 1884.  The Clerk acts as custodian of all permanent town records and maintains a record of adopted ordinances and local laws, oaths of office, resignations, proofs of publication and posting, annual budgets, assessment rolls and fiscal reports.

As Recording Secretary, the Town Clerk keeps a permanent record of all Town Board meetings and public hearings.  The Deputy Town Clerk keeps a record of Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals meetings.  The Town Clerk also issues many New York State licenses and permits including marriage, dog, and handicap parking.

Hours of Operation:

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM  Monday through Thursday

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM  Friday